When it comes to online imagery, it’s not so much about having images as making sure those images give the visitor a sense of texture, size, scale, detail, context, & brand.  
Photography — especially good photography — plays an important role in this. A photo, illustration or unique graphic treatment is usually the first point of engagement that draws people in to connect with your message. But “a pretty face” only goes so far, and an image needs to work in conjunction with your message, both seamlessly and authentically. There is still a big difference between our selfies, the photos sold on stock sites and a crafted photo taken by a professional photographer that is art-directed with specific communication goals in mind.
Of course, we all know that budgets play into creative decisions, so the question often arises, “can’t we just use stock photography instead of original photography”? My initial answer to this is, “you get what you pay for”, but the reality is a little more nuanced, and there is a time and place for both. Let’s look at some best practices to keep in mind when you are faced with the question on your next project.

✨Visual content is a cornerstone of almost every branding campaign. And yet, we still see respectable brands using stock photographs that undermine the credibility of their hard-earned visual-branding standards.

Several studies have indicated that customers converted 35% more when faced with original photography.

Not convinced yet? Here are a few reasons why you should rethink your brand’s marketing campaigns and strategy to incorporate original imagery:

👉🏼 It makes your brand recognizable across the board.

👉🏼 It can enhance your SEO.

👉🏼 It sells your brand and your products/services. (And gives your customers a general idea of what your brand offers.)

👉🏼 It resonates with customers – via emotion, authenticity, and it makes your brand personality shine.

👉🏼 It downright looks professional. 

What do you prefer or rely on when it comes to content creation - Do you create original photos or borrow stock images?

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